2016年11月,SCI-E数据库共收录我校师生第一作者或通讯作者论文176篇,其中原文文献类型为Article的论文141篇。期刊影响因子最高的Article是南方医科大学南方医院Xu, Xin和Qin, Xianhui以并列第一作者发表在《JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE》上的原始论文(通讯作者为南方医科大学南方医院的Hou, FanFan),2015年期刊影响因子为14.000。此外,南方医科大学生物医学工程学院Wu, Yao和Yang, Wei以并列第一作者发表在《JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE》上的原始论文(通讯作者为南方医科大学生物医学工程学院的Feng, Qianjin),2015年期刊影响因子为5.849。
根据2016年11月更新的ESI期刊目录(仅统计SCI数据库显示的文献类型为Article和Review共160篇),BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY学科的论文21篇,CHEMISTRY学科的论文3篇,CLINICAL MEDICINE学科的论文73篇,ENGINEERING学科的论文1篇,IMMUNOLOGY学科的论文1篇,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS学科的论文33篇,Multidisciplinary学科的论文12篇,NEUROSCIENCE & BEHAVIOR学科的论文7篇,PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY学科的论文4篇,PHYSICS学科的论文2篇,PSYCHIATRY/PSYCHOLOGY学科的论文1篇,SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL学科的论文2篇,不属于ESI收录的论文0篇。各单位发表原始论文数量如下:
来源单位 |
第一作者或通讯作者原始论文数量 |
南方医院 |
58 |
珠江医院 |
22 |
基础医学院 |
15 |
第三附属医院 |
5 |
中医药学院 |
2 |
生物医学工程学院 |
3 |
公共卫生学院 |
4 |
药学院 |
5 |
检验与生物技术学院 |
3 |
护理学院 |
2 |
实验动物中心 |
1 |
中西医结合医院 |
2 |
深圳医院 |
2 |
其他(含非直属附属医院以及未标明学院的文献) |
31 |
下表列出的是2016年11月SCI-E数据库收录的第一作者或通讯作者单位为我校的论文(176篇,原文文献类型:所有)相关信息。从SCI-E数据库导出的原始数据信息请参见附件。 scie-smu-201611.xls
编号 | 论文作者、标题、出处及影响因子相关信息 |
1 |
Hu, Z.Y., et al., Long non-coding RNA MALAT1 increases AKAP-9 expression by promoting SRPK1-catalyzed SRSF1 phosphorylation in colorectal cancer cells. ONCOTARGET, 2016. 7(10): p. 11733-11743. |
2 |
Wu, P., et al., The Synergistic Effects of Decitabine Combined with Arsenic Trioxide (ATO) in the Human Myelodysplastic Syndrome Cell Line SKM-1. INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY AND BLOOD TRANSFUSION, 2016. 32(4): p. 412-417. |
3 |
Shan, L.L., et al., mTOR Overactivation in Mesenchymal cells Aggravates CCl4 - Induced liver Fibrosis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(36037). |
4 |
Xu, X.Q., et al., Structure and Function of FS50, a salivary protein from the flea Xenopsylla cheopis that blocks the sodium channel Na(V)1.5. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(36574). |
5 |
Duan, X.H., et al., Direct interaction between miR-203 and ZEB2 suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition signaling and reduces lung adenocarcinoma chemoresistance. ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 2016. 48(11): p. 1042-1049. |
6 |
Sun, W.H., et al., Full-Length Finger Reconstruction for Proximal Amputation With Expanded Wraparound Great Toe Flap and Vascularized Second Toe Joint. ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY, 2016. 77(5): p. 539-546. |
7 |
Chen, C., et al., Glabrous Flow-Through Flaps for Simultaneous Resurfacing, Revascularization, and Reinnervation of Digits. ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY, 2016. 77(5): p. 547-554. |
8 |
Zheng, Z.J., et al., Coordinated roles of miR-26a and miR-30c in regulating TGF beta 1-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in diabetic kidney disease. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS, 2016. 32(SUPP 2): p. 56-57.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
9 |
Le, Y., Effect of exendin-4 on the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system and interstitial fibrosis in unilateral ureteral obstruction mice. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS, 2016. 32(SUPP 2): p. 62-63.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
10 |
Zhang, J., et al., Vitamin D status is negatively correlated with insulin resistance in Chinese type 2 diabetes patients. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS, 2016. 32(SUPP 2): p. 75-75.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
11 |
Lu, J., et al., Pancreatic volume is reduced in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS, 2016. 32(8): p. 858-866. |
12 |
Fan, J., et al., Genomic analyses identify agents regulating somatotroph and lactotroph functions. FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS, 2016. 16(6): p. 693-704. |
13 |
Zhou, R., et al., Y Comparison of three lymph node classifications for survival prediction in distant metastatic gastric cancer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 2016. 35: p. 165-171. |
14 |
Zhai, J.G., et al., Survey of attitudes of Chinese perinatologists and obstetricians toward non-invasive prenatal genetic testing. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH, 2016. 42(11): p. 1445-1450. |
15 |
Yan, Y., et al., Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Suppresses Hepatic Gluconeogenesis and Increases Intestinal Gluconeogenesis in a T2DM Rat Model. OBESITY SURGERY, 2016. 26(11): p. 2683-2690. |
16 |
Li, X.F., et al., Characterization of Humoral Immune Responses against Capsid Protein p24 and Transmembrane Glycoprotein gp41 of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in China. PLOS ONE, 2016. 11(e016587411). |
17 |
Yang, X., et al., The health-related quality of life of ankylosing spondylitis patients assessed by SF-36: a systematic review and meta-analysis. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 2016. 25(11): p. 2711-2723.(原文文献类型:Review) |
18 |
Xiao, L., et al., Adaptation and validation of the "tolerability and quality of life" (TOOL) questionnaire in Chinese bipolar patients. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 2016. 25(11): p. 2825-2832. |
19 |
Ou, L.L., et al., Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms. PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY, 2016. 13(57).(原文文献类型:Review) |
20 |
Zeng, H.W., et al., New Findings, Classification and Long-Term Follow-Up Study Based on MRI Characterization of Brainstem Encephalitis Induced by Enterovirus 71. PLOS ONE, 2016. 11(e016287710). |
21 |
Zhang, F.F., et al., Metastasis-associated long noncoding RNAs in gastrointestinal cancer: Implications for novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets. WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2016. 22(39): p. 8735-8749.(原文文献类型:Review) |
22 |
Chen, J.Y., et al., Slow-pull and different conventional suction techniques in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of pancreatic solid lesions using 22-gauge needles. WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2016. 22(39): p. 8790-8797. |
23 |
Yang, J.L., J.E. Liang and Y. Wang, Mechanical Compaction Accelerates Hepatocyte Repolarization by Directly Activating HNF4 alpha Expression. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 166A-166A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
24 |
Zhang, D.Y., et al., UBE2T promotes Hepatocellular carcinoma progression through interacting with CHK1. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 264A-264A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
25 |
Chen, Y.Q., et al., High-throughput T cell receptor sequencing reveals distinct repertoires between tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues in HBV associated HCC. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 290A-290A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
26 |
Wang, C., et al., Hepatitis B reactivation after interferon-based therapy versus pan-oral direct acting antiviral agents in chronic hepatitis C patients co-infected with hepatitis B virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 461A-461A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
27 |
Wang, C., et al., Hepatitis due to HBV reactivation in chronic hepatitis B and C co-infected Chinese treated with direct-acting antivirals. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 729A-730A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
28 |
Wang, C., et al., Plasma cytokines predict faster viral load decline in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antivirals - an exploratory analysis. HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 63(1 SUPP): p. 740A-740A.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
29 |
Liao, G.Q., et al., Laparoscopic gastrectomy for remnant gastric cancer: Risk factors associated with conversion and a systematic analysis of literature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 2016. 34: p. 17-22.(原文文献类型:Review) |
30 |
Du, Y.J., et al., Impact of resection and systemic therapy on the survival of patients with brain metastasis of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2016. 130(1): p. 221-228. |
31 |
Jia, W., et al., Comparison of laparoscopic excision versus open transvesical excision for symptomatic prostatic utricle in children. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY, 2016. 51(10): p. 1597-1601. |
32 |
Chen, P.J., et al., S159P mutation of keratin 10 gene causes severe form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY, 2016. 30(10): p. E102-E104.(原文文献类型:Letter to the Editor) |
33 |
Sun, J., et al., Adiponectin potentiates the acute effects of leptin in arcuate Pomc neurons. MOLECULAR METABOLISM, 2016. 5(10): p. 882-891. |
34 |
Wang, Y., et al., Response of heterogeneous cancer cells on targeted nanoparticles. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2016. 12(7): p. 2127-2137. |
35 |
Ren, X.L., et al., Sensitive detection of dopamine and quinone drugs based on the quenching of the fluorescence of carbon dots. SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2016. 61(20): p. 1615-1623. |
36 |
Yang, H., et al., Clinical Significance of UGT1A1 Genetic Analysis in Chinese Neonates with Severe Hyperbilirubinemia. PEDIATRICS AND NEONATOLOGY, 2016. 57(4): p. 310-317. |
37 |
Huang, K.B., et al., Glibenclamide Is Comparable to Target Temperature Management in Improving Survival and Neurological Outcome After Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest in Rats. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, 2016. 5(e0034657). |
38 |
Zhang, X., et al., Norepinephrine and acetylcholine changes during electrically-induced atrial fibrillation episodes in canine models. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 2016. 62(7): p. 80-84. |
39 |
Deng, W., et al., Comparing overall survival between first generation EGFR-TKIs and chemotherapy in lung cancer patients with Del19/L858R. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH, 2016. 28(3): p. 339-347. |
40 |
Liu, Y., et al., Excessively High Hydration Volume May Not Be Associated With Decreased Risk of Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Renal Insufficiency. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, 2016. 5(e0031716). |
41 |
Lin, X., X.Z. Zeng and J. Ai, The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) at Dialysis Initiation and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in East Asian Populations: A Meta-analysis. INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2016. 55(21): p. 3097-3104. |
42 |
Jiang, J.W., et al., CCND1 as an unfavorable factor mediated miR-340 suppression of chemotherapy resistance for 5-Fu in colon adenocarcinoma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 2016. 9(8): p. 8057-8065. |
43 |
Yuan, K.T., et al., Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) repression is involved with tumor cell differentiation and lymph node metastasis in patients with colon cancer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 2016. 9(8): p. 8617-8621. |
44 |
Wang, J., et al., Correlation between HDAC6 expression and clinical features of renal cell carcinoma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 2016. 9(9): p. 9364-9371. |
45 |
Ma, S.H., et al., Expression of FPN and Hepcidin in breast cancer tissues and association of their expression with occurrence of anemia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 2016. 9(9): p. 9581-9586. |
46 |
Xiong, Y., et al., GJB2 and SLC26A4 gene mutations in children with non-syndromic hearing loss in Southern China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 2016. 9(9): p. 9587-9591. |
47 |
Chen, X.W., et al., Irbesartan Ameliorates Diabetic Nephropathy by Suppressing the RANKL-RANK-NF-kappa B Pathway in Type 2 Diabetic db/db Mice (vol 2016, 1405924, 2016). MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION, 2016(3151986).(原文文献类型:Correction) |
48 |
Jiang, Z.J., et al., MicroRNA-218 inhibits EMT, migration and invasion by targeting SFMBT1 and DCUN1D1 in cervical cancer. ONCOTARGET, 2016. 7(29): p. 45656-45670. |
49 |
Deng, Y., et al., Use of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to distinguish between lung cancer and focal inflammatory lesions: a comparison of intravoxel incoherent motion derived parameters and apparent diffusion coefficient. ACTA RADIOLOGICA, 2016. 57(11): p. 1310-1317. |
50 |
Zheng, X.Z., et al., Cardioprotective effect of novel sulphonamides-1,3,5-triazine conjugates against ischaemic-reperfusion injury via selective inhibition of MMP-9. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN, 2016. 88(5): p. 756-765. |
51 |
Zhang, Y., et al., Elevated fibrinogen levels in neuromyelitis optica is associated with severity of disease. NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2016. 37(11): p. 1823-1829. |
52 |
She, K.L., et al., lncRNA-SNHG7 promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion and inhibits apoptosis of lung cancer cells by enhancing the FAIM2 expression. ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 2016. 36(5): p. 2673-2680. |
53 |
Tang, C.M., et al., Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C: a novel target gene of miR-214-3p in suppressing angiotensin II-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(36146). |
54 |
Liu, Z.T., et al., Pulsed high-dose dexamethasone modulates Th1-/Th2-chemokine imbalance in immune thrombocytopenia. JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 2016. 14(301). |
55 |
Jiang, S.L., et al., Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of renal cortex in a salt-load rat model of advanced kidney damage. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(35906). |
56 |
Dai, X.G., et al., The effect of continuous venovenous hemofiltration on neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin plasma levels in patients with septic acute kidney injury. BMC NEPHROLOGY, 2016. 17(154). |
57 |
Sun, C.P., et al., Health-related Quality of Life for Scientific Editors in China. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2016. 45(10): p. 1371-1372.(原文文献类型:Letter) |
58 |
Fan, D.Z., et al., Prevalence of placenta previa among deliveries in Mainland China: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e510740).(原文文献类型:Research Article: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) |
59 |
He, L.Y., et al., The prognostic value of regional lymph node metastases in patients of Guangdong Province, China with differentiated thyroid cancer: A multicenter retrospective clinical study. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e503441). |
60 |
Li, J.H., et al., Bioactive components of Chinese herbal medicine enhance endogenous neurogenesis in animal models of ischemic stroke: A systematic analysis. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e490440).(原文文献类型:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) |
61 |
Yang, Q. and P. Fang, Impact of the conversation map tools in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e466440).(原文文献类型:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) |
62 |
Zhou, H.L., et al., Transplantation of Human Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promotes Functional Recovery in a Rat Model of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, 2016. 41(10): p. 2708-2718. |
63 |
Liu, Y.G., et al., Fucoxanthin Activates Apoptosis via Inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway and Suppresses Invasion and Migration by Restriction of p38-MMP-2/9 Pathway in Human Glioblastoma Cells. NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, 2016. 41(10): p. 2728-2751. |
64 |
Li, X.C., et al., BMP7-Based Functionalized Self-Assembling Peptides Protect Nucleus Pulposus-Derived Stem Cells From Apoptosis In Vitro. TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, 2016. 22(19-20): p. 1218-1228. |
65 |
Fan, H., et al., Ulinastatin and Thymosin a1 Therapy in Adult Patients with Severe Sepsis: A Meta-analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2016. 45(9): p. 1234-1235.(原文文献类型:Letter) |
66 |
Han, Y.F., et al., Severity assessment of intracranial large artery stenosis by pressure gradient measurements: A feasibility study. CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS, 2016. 88(2): p. 255-261. |
67 |
Hou, X.Y., et al., MicroRNA-27a promotes renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis via suppressing PPAR gamma pathway in diabetic nephropathy. ONCOTARGET, 2016. 7(30): p. 47760-47776. |
68 |
Cao, C., et al., Primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma: a case report. DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY, 2016. 29(4): p. 224-227.(原文文献类型:a case report) |
69 |
Li, N., et al., Dexmedetomidine protected COPD-induced lung injury by regulating miRNA-146a. BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY, 2016. 117(9): p. 539-542. |
70 |
Lu, L., et al., Oncogenic function of miR-301 to predicts poor prognosis of endometrial cancer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 12937-12942. |
71 |
Qian, K., et al., Three-dimensional printing automatic registration navigational template for mandibular angle osteotomy surgery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 13065-13069. |
72 |
Yang, Z., et al., Excessive human serum albumin might weaken anticancer effect of Cisplatin and Etoposide in vitro study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 13384-13393. |
73 |
Gong, M., et al., Expression pattern and regulation of miR-19a and CCND1 in C3H10T1/2 chondrogenic differentiation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 13958-13964. |
74 |
Xia, W., et al., A meta-analysis of association between CTLA-4-1722T/C polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 14219-14225. |
75 |
Wang, J.H., et al., Effect of xingnaojing injection on myocardial mitochondrial oxidative stress injury in sepsis mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 14559-14563. |
76 |
Zhong, Q.L., W.H. Sha and J.Q. He, An abdominal-pelvic huge space-occupying lesion in a male. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(7): p. 14805-14807.(原文文献类型:a case report) |
77 |
Chen, W., et al., Association of hepatitis B virus basal core promoter T1762/A1764 and precore A1896 mutations with serum hepatitis B virus DNA load, hepatitis B e antigen status, serum alpha-fetoprotein and hepatitis B virus-related liver disease progression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(9): p. 17309-17321. |
78 |
Guo, L., et al., Caulis spatholobi promotes ischemic tolerance, inhibits apoptosis and oxidative stress by targeting HSP70 in ischemic stroke. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(9): p. 17519-17528. |
79 |
Li, J., et al., Three-dimensional high-resolution anorectal manometry parameter for predicting the perineal descent in adult female individuals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(9): p. 18114-18123. |
80 |
Yang, H.Y., et al., Indicator analysis of hysteroscope electrotomy for previous cesarean scar defect. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(9): p. 18233-18238. |
81 |
Gao, Y.Y., et al., Dynamic positron emission tomography restoration with low-rank representation incorporating edge preservation. JOURNAL OF X-RAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016. 24(5): p. 709-722. |
82 |
Zheng, R., et al., Upregulation of Long Noncoding RNA Small Nucleolar RNA Host Gene 18 Promotes Radioresistance of Glioma by Repressing Semaphorin 5A. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS, 2016. 96(4): p. 877-887. |
83 |
Zong, J.X., et al., CD147 induces up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor in U937-derived foam cells through PI3K/AKT pathway. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 2016. 609: p. 31-38.(原文文献类型:Review Article) |
84 |
Zhu, J.Y., et al., The Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) is a novel prognostic indicator in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: a multicenter retrospective study. JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2016. 142(11): p. 2339-2345. |
85 |
Tong, L.H., et al., KH-type splicing regulatory protein (KHSRP) contributes to tumorigenesis by promoting miR-26a maturation in small cell lung cancer. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, 2016. 422(1-2): p. 61-74. |
86 |
Sun, J., et al., Differentially expressed circulating LncRNAs and mRNA identified by microarray analysis in obese patients. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(35421). |
87 |
Qi, X.L., et al., Randomized Controlled Trial of Laparoscopic Versus Open D2 Distal Gastrectomy for Advanced Gastric Cancer: How Should We Define the Age of Included Patents? Reply. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2016. 34(30).(原文文献类型:Letter) |
88 |
Yau, A., et al., REPLY TO LIU ET AL.: Translation of rat congenic data to humans on a conserved MHC-III haplotype associated with rheumatoid arthritis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2016. 113(42): p. E6323-E6324.(原文文献类型:Letter) |
89 |
Wang, H., et al., Genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing during human heart development. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(35520). |
90 |
Xu, S.Y., S.F. Li and G.X. Ni, Strenuous Treadmill Running Induces a Chondrocyte Phenotype in Rat Achilles Tendons. MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, 2016. 22: p. 3705-3712. |
91 |
Fan, J., et al., Effect of propofol on microRNA expression in rat primary embryonic neural stem cells. BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY, 2016. 16(95). |
92 |
Xu, L.M., et al., Over-expression of the long non-coding RNA HOTTIP inhibits glioma cell growth by BRE. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 2016. 35(162). |
93 |
Chen, L.H., et al., Effect of Sling Exercise Training on Balance in Patients with Stroke: A Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE, 2016. 11(e016335110). |
94 |
Xu, H.X., et al., Low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field promotes C2C12 myoblasts proliferation via activation of MAPK/ERK pathway. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 2016. 479(1): p. 97-102.(原文文献类型:Communications) |
95 |
Zhang, Q.S., et al., Cdk5/p25 specific inhibitory peptide TFP5 rescues the loss of dopaminergic neurons in a sub-acute MPTP induced PD mouse model. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2016. 632: p. 1-7. |
96 |
Li, Z., et al., Edaravone attenuates hippocampal damage in an infant mouse model of pneumococcal meningitis by reducing HMGB1 and iNOS expression via the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway. ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2016. 37(10): p. 1298-1306. |
97 |
Luo, S.Y., et al., Salvianolic acid B stimulates osteogenesis in dexamethasone-treated zebrafish larvae. ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2016. 37(10): p. 1370-1380. |
98 |
Zhou, C.S., et al., Hypoxia-inducible microRNA-488 regulates apoptosis by targeting Bim in osteosarcoma. CELLULAR ONCOLOGY, 2016. 39(5): p. 463-471. |
99 |
Wang, X.Y., et al., Computational approach for predicting the conserved B-cell epitopes of hemagglutinin H7 subtype influenza virus. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2016. 12(4): p. 2439-2446. |
100 |
Zhang, Q.S., et al., TFP5 prevents 1-methyl-4-phenyl pyridine ion-induced neurotoxicity in mouse cortical neurons. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2016. 12(4): p. 2594-2598. |
101 |
Yu, Z.G., et al., Protective effects of dexmedetomidine combined with flurbiprofen axetil on remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia: A randomized controlled trial. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2016. 12(4): p. 2622-2628. |
102 |
Zhao, Y., et al., Neural stem cell transplantation combined with erythropoietin for the treatment of spinal cord injury in rats. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2016. 12(4): p. 2688-2694. |
103 |
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